you like to become accredited, either through a state-level accreditation
program or through CALEA?
advantages of achieving accreditation are numerous: it provides you with
independent confirmation that your department has met a set of professional
police standards; it provides a positive and pro-active defense against
litigation; it can result in significant savings on insurance premiums.
you currently participating in an accreditation program but aren't meeting
your deadlines due to lack of time, manpower or expertise?
you may already know, the process of accreditation can be a drain on your
existing resources... yet there are valuable benefits to achieving accreditation.
Rather than drag this project out for several years, while draining your
manpower and resources, you can complete this quickly by drawing on our
you being "encouraged" to get accredited by your elected officials or
insurance company or community, but don't know where to begin?
administrators are facing staffing shortages, budget cuts, increasing
calls for service.... AND the pressure to get accredited. Getting started
on the right path, getting organized and understanding the process can
save you time, manpower and resources.
are too many people waiting to sue you!
Management Services" offers you several options:
- We can
work with you through the entire accreditation project, from signing
the application to accepting the accreditation certificate.
- We can
act as a "problem solver" for specific issues you may encounter at any
time during the accreditation process.
- We can
help you get organized, train your accreditation manager and set you
up so that you are on the right track without wasting your manpower
and resources.
more than ten years, Michael Carpenter worked full-time with the New York
State Division of Criminal Justice Services. He was one of two people
originally responsible for developing and implementing the New York State
Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. This was the nation's first state-sponsored
law enforcement accreditation program. He eventually served as Program
Coordinator for this state-wide program that had as many as 250 agencies
involved ranging in size from no full-time officers to more than 4,000
officers. He assisted more than 65 agencies to successfully achieve accreditation
or re-accreditation certificates.